Listener Stories: Where were you when you found out you had ADHD?
Like any good superhero, we all have our origin stories. Unlike those same superheroes, we sometimes struggle to save the day if we’re distracted by shiny door knobs. Stories of those shiny door knobs today.

406: Facing the Emotional Storms of ADHD with James Ochoa
Straight from the Life Empowerment Center, James Ochoa is back today to share a story of his own emotional storm and the strategies he employed to move through it.

401: The Procrastination-Anxiety Loop
This week's question comes from a listener: how do you navigate the procrastination-anxiety loop that emerges when hyperfocus and disinterest collide head on? This week on the show, Nikki shares background on the conditions that allow this sort of hyperfocus and procrastination to occur, and tools to shape a response before it happens again.

360: What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 2
We had so many fantastic submissions for our "What do you want the world to know about ADHD" poll that we had to do TWO episodes!

359: What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 1
There are so many signals coming at us; judgments, criticisms, guidance, and support. But so often, these messages come from those with limited experience with ADHD. This week on the show, asked you a simple question: What is it that you want the world to know about your life with ADHD?

357: What do you do when you don't feel supported?
Receiving a diagnosis of ADHD can be hard enough. But what do you do when your partner, friends, or family don't work to understand and support you?

348: What’s the difference between an excuse and a reason?
How can you tell the difference between a legitimate reason you’re not able to do something and an excuse that you’ve started telling to get yourself out of it? Strange as it may sound, we’ve gone to the Oxford English Dictionary for help and — spoiler — that just made things worse!

343: Following up on "The Complex" with James and Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa have just wrapped their first season of The Complex, a podcast that approaches ADHD through the lens of a fictional apartment complex and it’s many ADHDer residents. They’re here today to share a bit about their experience and lessons learned in approaching the ADHD community through a podcast platform.

331: Introducing The Complex with James and Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa join us today to celebrate the upcoming launch of their new podcast, "The Complex." In it, they tell the story of a fictional apartment building and the manager trying to manage the eclectic personalities of it's tenants. Episode one is included at the end of this show in its entirety.

313: How do I talk to others about my ADHD?
Talking with others about our ADHD can be a tricky subject. If you’re not completely comfortable with your ADHD and how it affects your work and life, talking about it can be surrounded in self-judgment, even if that judgment isn’t reflected in reality. This week on the show, we have two guests and fellow podcasters to help us navigate this conversation and give you some great advice and a sound reality check on talking to others about your ADHD!

270: The Pre- & Post-Diagnosis Journey with ADD Crusher Alan Brown
Let’s say it right out loud: you need to hear the story of our guest today. Alan Brown is the force behind ADD Crusher™ and Crusher™TV, helping people around the world in their journey with ADHD through his proven Brain Hack strategies and inspirational interviews. But his personal journey to understanding ADHD is a moving story and a model for coming to terms with pre-diagnosis, and making the transition to a new world post-diagnosis in our conversation today.

266: Impulsivity & ADHD
Impulsivity is a part of the ADHD experience that offers few upsides. It represents the source of distraction, social disruption, and lack of focus that can plague so many of us. We received an email this week from a listener working through email impulsivity at work and his story — and we hope our conversation around it — proves supportive for anyone listening who is living with impulsive behavior challenges.

256: Making Difficult Decisions with ADHD
This week we offer a follow-up to our conversation on making decisions with a twist: what about all those decisions that are even more challenging to face, with consequences beyond our daily organizing challenges? How do we condition ourselves to move through them and discover what lies on the other side? This week is dedicated to processing, researching, and making the decision to act, and discovering the tools you need to employ to condition yourself to take action!

179: ADHD Awareness Month — Coaching & Resources Galore
It’s ADHD Awareness Month and we’re ringing in the season with a terrific list of books, sites, groups and other resources to help you wrap your head around this pesky condition. Whether you’re new to ADHD and wrestling with your own diagnosis or that of a loved one, or been dealing with ADHD for many years, we have some great tools and texts to support your journey. This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share their favorite ADHD resources to help support and spread awareness!

163: We're Going Through some Changes
This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about the show, embracing the transition to a more cogent ADHD focus moving forward.