2213: Unique ADHD Strategies That Work! At least most of the time! • Part 3
We’re wrapping up our series on strategies from our community for living our lives with ADHD that work... most of the time! This week, we’re talking all about organizing, alarms, and acceptance!

406: Facing the Emotional Storms of ADHD with James Ochoa
Straight from the Life Empowerment Center, James Ochoa is back today to share a story of his own emotional storm and the strategies he employed to move through it.

370: The Year-In-Review Listener Q&A!
We called for questions and you delivered! Thank you to everyone who wrote in — We hope we did your questions justice!

363: Practicing ADHD Strategies
Today on the show we’re talking all about the practice that comes with making change, and how you can turn that library of notes and resources into something you can manage — one new skill at a time.

358: Mindful Listening for ADHD with Rebecca Shafir
One of the greatest muscles you can develop to help you relate to the world around you while living with ADHD is to become a better listener. Author Rebecca Shafir brings her communication skills — and her book on the subject — to help us out this week!

352: Memory & ADHD — Remember What?
We're talking about memory this week, the functions of memory that may be impaired with ADHD and strategies for improving your memory that come from some surprising places!

343: Following up on "The Complex" with James and Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa have just wrapped their first season of The Complex, a podcast that approaches ADHD through the lens of a fictional apartment complex and it’s many ADHDer residents. They’re here today to share a bit about their experience and lessons learned in approaching the ADHD community through a podcast platform.

337: ADHD Inattentive Type with Dr. Doug!
Doug Herr is back with us all the way from Nashville to talk about ADHD Inattentive Type!

331: Introducing The Complex with James and Jules Ochoa
James and Jules Ochoa join us today to celebrate the upcoming launch of their new podcast, "The Complex." In it, they tell the story of a fictional apartment building and the manager trying to manage the eclectic personalities of it's tenants. Episode one is included at the end of this show in its entirety.

327: Organizing What You Learn
You’re working hard to learn and grow, to discover new things and be a better person, right? But in that process, how do you catalog and internalize all things you’re learning so that you’ll be able to recall them later and use them when you need them most … even when you don’t know when that will be?

326: How do you choose ADHD-friendly tools?
After a great few weeks off, we're back to talk about how to find the best ADHD-friendly tools — plus new livestream!

305: Making Transitions with ADHD
We’re back after our July break and talking all about transitions today. Wading through change can be tough on anyone, but when you’re living with ADHD, integrating new behaviors can be much more difficult.

283: Women & ADHD
According to our guests today, over five million women go undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed, yet live with ADHD. While the patterns and outcomes of a life with ADHD between men and women are similar — particularly as they age — the underlying reasons and conditions for diagnosis for women are unique.

281: The Five Mistakes to Avoid when Setting Goals
This week on the show, we’re talking about the five mistakes we make when we try to make change, and the give you suggestions to overcome them so that this time you make it stick and achieve your goals with gusto!

273: Maximize Your Strengths in the Workplace
ADHD and work don’t always mix. That’s why it’s important for you to know your own strengths, and how to best leverage them on the job.

269: Imposter Syndrome & ADHD
If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome, you’re a high achiever in some area, though you feel as if your achievements are not the result of training, skill, and intelligence, rather your success is the result of an accident of fate, and you are constantly on the cusp of being discovered as a fraud. This is, of course, something that we all live with at some point or another, but if you’re also living with ADHD, the judgment that you put upon yourself amplifies the negative signals in and around your experience of achievement.

261: Back to School: What's the parent's REAL job?
Unbelievably, it’s back to school season. If it hasn’t hit your community yet, it’s coming, and that means it’s time to evaluate your strategies as a parent in helping your kids manage their ADHD in the classroom and beyond. To help us through this conversation, special guest Elaine Taylor-Klaus with ImpactADHD joins us to share strategies for approaching your kids in this transition period about scheduling, responsibility, self-advocacy, and technology!

259: Adjusting Your Schedule Without Adding Stress!
We’re back! After a brief summer vacation, we’re back to take on a subject that impacts us all: how to adapt to changing schedules, and the things to think about when considering a major addition to your commitments when it comes to your ADHD.