394: Shame, relationships, and ADHD as an exercise in getting back on the horse with Dr. Michelle Frank
It’s our last episode before the annual July break, and what a wonderful person we have to introduce you to this week! Dr. Michelle Frank joins us to talk about shame, our relationships, and the daily practice of getting back up on the horse with ADHD.

379: The ADHD Escape
Living with ADHD is a mystery. Sometimes, we’re completely present and aware of our symptoms, sure. But most of the time, we aren’t completely aware of what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, or the impact our symptoms are having on others… until we’re thrown in a laboratory.

306: Evaluating Options — Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg’s “Option B”
Thanks to a listener email inspired by a recent book recommendation on Nikki’s newsletter, we’re revisiting a book that has been inspirational in our search for joy when confronted with hopelessness. We’re talking about Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy and using Sandberg’s journey through grief at the loss of her husband as a jumping off point for a conversation around finding hope, peace, and grace.

302: Embracing Problems, Finding Happiness
We’re diving head-first into our problems this week thanks to some inspiration from the Godfather of Help himself, Tony Robbins. Our journey is ultimately one of celebrating the lessons we learn from our challenges and adversity in our lives, collecting those experiences, and using them to make us stronger. If you've ever found yourself wandering through your own pain a bit too listlessly, maybe it’s time to sit up, reframe, and face the world anew.

288: When we finally stop pretending we don’t have ADHD with guest Eric Tivers
We’re wrapping up our series on limiting beliefs this week with a conversation on the shame that comes with ADHD challenges, and the relief that comes when you arrive on the other side of it, and can stop pretending you don’t have ADHD. Our guest is Eric Tivers, therapist, coach, podcaster, productivity specialist, and all-around fantastic part of the ADHD community, and his insights into shame and the connection to our beliefs that hold us back are bound to change the way you think about your ADHD.

263: What You May Not Know About Habits and ADHD
We’ve got a couple of terrific listener recommendations for habit tracking apps to kick us off this week, with emails that inspired a habit follow-up conversation that centers on this big question: do you understand the factors that are causing you to fail to build new habits in your life? This week, we’re talking about the words in your head, persistence, and support, three things critical to your success in integrating new behaviors into your life every day.

197: Vulnerability & Shame: Reflecting on the work of Brené Brown
This week on the show, we talk about Brené Brown’s pioneering research and inspirational presentations on shame and vulnerability, and how reframing our approach to shame can lead to a powerful awakening of strength and confidence.

194: Facing Down your Negative Situations
On the heels of Nikki’s imploding computer comes a conversation about facing up to — and then facing down — those negative situations that crop up in our lives. From finding the awareness to accept the reality of the situation to mustering the confidence to let it go when it’s time to move on, we share tips and strategies for finding meaningful support in our lives when we need it.

193: Breaking blocks, fighting fear, and getting unstuck!
You can train yourself to fight the friction, dissolve the stickiness, and get yourself moving forward again. This week on the show, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright share techniques for doing just that, and feeling even stronger as a result.

191: Problems vs. Possibilities
This week on The ADHD Podcast, Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright talk about problems, and the work it takes to reframe them into possibilities full of hope, energy, and power!