313: How do I talk to others about my ADHD?
Talking with others about our ADHD can be a tricky subject. If you’re not completely comfortable with your ADHD and how it affects your work and life, talking about it can be surrounded in self-judgment, even if that judgment isn’t reflected in reality. This week on the show, we have two guests and fellow podcasters to help us navigate this conversation and give you some great advice and a sound reality check on talking to others about your ADHD!
305: Making Transitions with ADHD
We’re back after our July break and talking all about transitions today. Wading through change can be tough on anyone, but when you’re living with ADHD, integrating new behaviors can be much more difficult.
304: ADHD Success Stories!
We’re wrapping up spring with a few stories of your ADHD success! We asked, and you contributed with your thoughts on apps, processes, products, and strategies for keeping your life straight with ADHD. From new jobs, new ways to track time, alternated modes for taking notes, and living in peace, this is your episode for great suggestions and thoughts from other listeners.
299: Restore Your Motivation!
When you’re feeling compromised, finding a source of motivation can be a major stress. Responsibilities don’t usually wait for you to be 100% ready for them, after all.
294: Retraceable, Repeatable, Resilient — Building Systems for ADHD
We’re picking up right where we left off last week today as we dig even deeper into systems! What is it that makes a great system and how do you really craft a system that is repeatable, retraceable, and resilient to the challenges of the ADHD brain? From laundry challenges to checklists to alarms, we’re teaching how to build systems that can’t be beat!
291: Does it have to be All... or Nothing?
All-or-nothing thinking can invade your worldview and before long, you can get stuck there. Today on the show, we talk all about the trouble of all-or-nothing thinking, and give you five strategies for overcoming it and becoming more aware at the same time!
289: Inventing Value
This week on the show, we’re talking about invented value, the value we ascribe to things that is ultimately made up, but that defines our emotional approach to them all the same!
288: When we finally stop pretending we don’t have ADHD with guest Eric Tivers
We’re wrapping up our series on limiting beliefs this week with a conversation on the shame that comes with ADHD challenges, and the relief that comes when you arrive on the other side of it, and can stop pretending you don’t have ADHD. Our guest is Eric Tivers, therapist, coach, podcaster, productivity specialist, and all-around fantastic part of the ADHD community, and his insights into shame and the connection to our beliefs that hold us back are bound to change the way you think about your ADHD.
286: Living Life in The Adult Chair with Michelle Chalfant
Our guest today is Michelle Chalfant. Michelle is a speaker, therapist, author and educator and she has crafted a model for approaching the way we interact with the world that that can help you fight those voices, the limiting beliefs, and the blocks in the middle of your road.
283: Women & ADHD
According to our guests today, over five million women go undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed, yet live with ADHD. While the patterns and outcomes of a life with ADHD between men and women are similar — particularly as they age — the underlying reasons and conditions for diagnosis for women are unique.
281: The Five Mistakes to Avoid when Setting Goals
This week on the show, we’re talking about the five mistakes we make when we try to make change, and the give you suggestions to overcome them so that this time you make it stick and achieve your goals with gusto!
275: Quick and Easy Strategies to Sharpen your Memory at Work
Do you ever feel like you’re forgetting something? You’re not alone. In fact, if you’re struggling with ADHD and executive functioning challenges, you’ve probably conditioned yourself to live in a constant state of anxiety around forgetfulness. But you can get on the road to repair, and it’s likely easier than you imagine. With quick and easy tools to help you catalog the things you need to remember, you can build a trusted system that supports you day to day, year to year. This isn’t about fixing your memory. It’s about fixing the systems to support your work so you can embrace the memory you have!
270: The Pre- & Post-Diagnosis Journey with ADD Crusher Alan Brown
Let’s say it right out loud: you need to hear the story of our guest today. Alan Brown is the force behind ADD Crusher™ and Crusher™TV, helping people around the world in their journey with ADHD through his proven Brain Hack strategies and inspirational interviews. But his personal journey to understanding ADHD is a moving story and a model for coming to terms with pre-diagnosis, and making the transition to a new world post-diagnosis in our conversation today.
269: Imposter Syndrome & ADHD
If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome, you’re a high achiever in some area, though you feel as if your achievements are not the result of training, skill, and intelligence, rather your success is the result of an accident of fate, and you are constantly on the cusp of being discovered as a fraud. This is, of course, something that we all live with at some point or another, but if you’re also living with ADHD, the judgment that you put upon yourself amplifies the negative signals in and around your experience of achievement.
268: FoMO & ADHD
We’ve all been there, stuck between the rock that is our own responsibilities, and the hard place of the world that goes on when we’re not there to experience it. The grass is always greener, we say, and we find ourselves living in FoMO: the Fear of Missing Out.
266: Impulsivity & ADHD
Impulsivity is a part of the ADHD experience that offers few upsides. It represents the source of distraction, social disruption, and lack of focus that can plague so many of us. We received an email this week from a listener working through email impulsivity at work and his story — and we hope our conversation around it — proves supportive for anyone listening who is living with impulsive behavior challenges.
256: Making Difficult Decisions with ADHD
This week we offer a follow-up to our conversation on making decisions with a twist: what about all those decisions that are even more challenging to face, with consequences beyond our daily organizing challenges? How do we condition ourselves to move through them and discover what lies on the other side? This week is dedicated to processing, researching, and making the decision to act, and discovering the tools you need to employ to condition yourself to take action!
238: Self-Care: Medication and Your ADHD with Guest Laurie Dupar
We’re continuing our series on ADHD and Self-care this week. Today, we’re digging into the sometimes thorny question of medication, and we have a fantastic guest to help us do just that: Laurie Dupar, senior certified ADHD coach and psychiatric nurse practitioner.