370: The Year-In-Review Listener Q&A!
We called for questions and you delivered! Thank you to everyone who wrote in — We hope we did your questions justice!
369: Working with ADHDers
We received an email from just about the best boss in the world. Why? Because she asked a question that everyone living quietly with ADHD would like to hear their boss asking. In short: How can I help?
368: Reading Between The Lines with Caroline Maguire
Do social situations exhaust you? Do you feel like your brain is working in overdrive to keep up with your environment? According to our guest this week, that’s a common refrain for those living with ADHD.
367: Lessons Learned at CHADD/ADDA/ACO 2018!
Ever wondered what happens at a national ADHD conference? OK… that’s a leading question. This week, you're going to find out.
366: What Happens After the Brain Dump?
Getting all those tasks out of your head is great. But what happens next? Are you really ready to take on whatever the world throws at you?
365: Starting Small is Nothing to Fear
This week on the show we’re talking all about letting go: letting go of the fear of starting small, letting go of the lists that plague us getting in the way of what we need to do today, letting go of a mistaken appreciation of quantity in favor of quality.
364: Accepting Your ADHD Diagnosis
That first rush of relief that you feel when you’re handed the diagnoses of ADHD is exhilarating. And that feeling lasts for about three-and-a-half seconds, right up to the moment you ask yourself, what now? James Ochoa is back to help us with this question, and grappling with our very first ADHD Storms!
363: Practicing ADHD Strategies
Today on the show we’re talking all about the practice that comes with making change, and how you can turn that library of notes and resources into something you can manage — one new skill at a time.
362: ADHD Time — Why Sticking to a Schedule is So Hard!
This week on the show, we start with the premise that ADHD time is different that time for many people… and that’s perfectly OK by us!
361: The Margins of ADHD
We spend a lot of time building gates and systems to protect ourselves from distraction of ADHD. But, what might we be losing at the expense of saying No?
360: What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 2
We had so many fantastic submissions for our "What do you want the world to know about ADHD" poll that we had to do TWO episodes!
359: What you want the world to know about ADHD — Part 1
There are so many signals coming at us; judgments, criticisms, guidance, and support. But so often, these messages come from those with limited experience with ADHD. This week on the show, asked you a simple question: What is it that you want the world to know about your life with ADHD?
358: Mindful Listening for ADHD with Rebecca Shafir
One of the greatest muscles you can develop to help you relate to the world around you while living with ADHD is to become a better listener. Author Rebecca Shafir brings her communication skills — and her book on the subject — to help us out this week!
357: What do you do when you don't feel supported?
Receiving a diagnosis of ADHD can be hard enough. But what do you do when your partner, friends, or family don't work to understand and support you?
356: What we say to ourselves matters
It’s hard out there. Why do we make it harder by subconsciously practicing language that devalues us, our contributions, and our abilities?
355: We're Wired for Distraction!
Yes, you know what ADHD does to your attention. But did you know that part of your distractibility might just be because you're ... human?
354: Friendship & ADHD (Part 2)
Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. When we announced that we were doing a show on friendships and ADHD, you spoke up.
353: Friendship & ADHD (Part 1)
Building and maintaining strong friendships is critical to emotional well-being. But ADHD characteristics can put a damper on social convention. How to cope?
352: Memory & ADHD — Remember What?
We're talking about memory this week, the functions of memory that may be impaired with ADHD and strategies for improving your memory that come from some surprising places!
351: Building New Routines
This week on the show we’re talking about routines… those we’ve started, those we’ve broken, and how we can work to change our definition of success in our routines so we’re not so deeply tied to the perils of consistency.