Because You're Worth It!

Many ADHDers feel like they’re inadequate.

Because of the executive function deficits associated with ADHD, it can be easy to fall into a shame spiral—seeing every misstep as another clue that you aren’t “good enough”.

Well, I’m here to tell you: You are good enough!!!

While ADHD can make some things more difficult, it does not mean you’re not capable of doing them.

You can do hard things!

Unfortunately, a lot of ADHDers have spent most of their lives feeling “less than”. It can take some serious effort to change that thinking. But, it’s not impossible!

It’s time to change the way we think about ourselves.

You’re Worth It!

First thing’s first: You are worth it!

Everyone has purpose and that means you too! While you may have times that you feel less than everyone around you, it’s important to stop and identify those thoughts for what they are: wrong. It’s time to stop comparing yourself to those around you and start noticing what’s unique and special about yourself.

In fact, I’d like you to take a moment—right now, get out a piece of paper and a pen—and write down 3 things about you that are unique and special. Go do it! I’ll wait…

Stand Up!

Now that you’ve taken a moment to pick out your strengths, it’s time to use that list to stand up for yourself.

I believe it’s incredibly important to advocate for yourself whenever you can. Whether it’s at work, at home, or with a friend group, it’s important to allow your voice to be heard.

Don’t allow your insecurities keep you from living your life. You deserve to sit at the table and be heard just as much as anyone else!

Believe It to Achieve It

While it might be easy to write down a few of your strengths, it doesn’t mean you’ll always feel confident or worthy.

It’s important to continue to review your strengths regularly. Repetition is necessary to build new habits.

As you continue to tell yourself that you are enough and the reasons why, it will become easier and easier to recall this, especially if you’re having a bad day.

We all have bad days. It’s just a fact. But the important thing to remember is that these storms don’t last forever.

Having a hard time recognizing your strengths? Let me help you! Join me on a 7-day journey to name and claim the strengths you have!

Join the Strength Finder TODAY!

Thank you for your time and attention,



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