Mind Over Matter

“I don’t know where to start.”

“This is too hard.”

“I can’t focus.”

Any of the above phrases sound familiar? The one thing they all have in common is that they’re limiting beliefs.

What is a limiting belief?

A limiting belief is a thought or feeling that holds you back in some way. It’s that negative, black-and-white thinking that pops up and keeps you from moving forward.

If you find yourself falling into a pattern of limiting beliefs, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. However, it doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

Change your mindset

While limiting beliefs have the power to keep you from achieving your goals, switching to an open mindset opens yourself up to limitless possibilities!

The first step to shifting your mindset is to acknowledge limiting beliefs when they pop up. Ask yourself if this thought falls into all-or-nothing thinking. If it does, find ways to change the words to frame the reality of the situation.

Changing the words you use can open up possibilities you may have missed before. 

Let’s use “I can’t focus” from earlier as an example:

Can’t means there is no possible way you will ever focus. However, if you change this to “I’m having trouble focusing” you realize you have the ability to focus, you’re just experiencing some difficulty. This allows you to explore the reason you’re having a hard time focusing and you can start looking for solutions. 

Changing your mindset isn’t something that automatically happens overnight. But with time and practice, it becomes easier to pick out those limiting beliefs when they pop up and turn them into something positive; something full of potential.

Author, Louise Hay, had this to say about limiting beliefs:

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”

Don’t allow your thoughts to have the power to control you. You have the potential to do anything with the right mindset!
Thank you for your time and attention,



Take the Steps to Focus


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