A 2022 Retrospective

Can you believe 2022 is almost over?!

So much has happened at Take Control ADHD this year! We added new members to the TCA family with new ADHD coaches and our executive assistant and community manager, Melissa joined us full-time. Our new GPS Monthly Membership Program started earlier this year (enrollment now open until 1/2/23). We brought back coaching groups. And Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast just finished its 25th season!

We covered so many great topics this year. I thought I would take a minute to reflect on what we've learned before we move on to new things in the new year.

PACT Goals

This takes us way back to March of 2022. Do you remember what PACT stands for?





I have really enjoyed using this method for setting and acheiving goals ever sinced I learned about it earlier this year. It could be a great tool for new goals in the new year. I am so thankful to the creator of PACT goals, Anne-Laure Le Cunff for bringing us something a little more ADHD-friendly to reach our goals.


How PACT Goals Work for Your ADHD


PACT Your Goals


This is a popular topic with the ADHD community. ADHDers tend to keep going long after it's healthy and this can lead to burnout. I hope the resources we provided this year were helpful in preventing future burnout.


Breaking Free of the Burnout Blues with Casey Dixon


Top 4 Ways to Combat Burnout

Talking & ADHD

This was a topic that caused quite a stir within the Taking Control community. There were many discussions with members about how to combat over talking or how to tell someone else they are over talking without hurting their feelings. It's definitely a tightrope walk, that's for sure!


It's our ADHD Talking

ADHD Over-Talking Follow-Up: Listener Feedback!


Less Is More

Speak Up

ADHD Influencers

This series on The ADHD Podcast was so much fun! I don't think it's any big secret that I am not at the forefront of social media. But, I truly enjoyed hearing from some truly inspiring individuals who are using social media to share knowledge and support with the ADHD community. I hope you will show your support to these great people by following their work on social media!


Matt Raekelboom

KC Davis

Rach Idowu


What a fun word we created! I think Pete had a lot of fun exploring our old podcast episodes and sharing his thoughts on new and updated tech to use for different purposes like work, email, health and home.

And, we did something new and different on the blog during Techvember! Our executive assistant and community manager, Melissa, shared some of her tech recommendations as well.


Techvember: The 2022 ADHD Email Review

Techvember: Email & Work Tech Review

Techvember: Home, Health, and Fitness


A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few More of My Favorite Things

Well, that about wraps up our review of 2022. I am so excited for what is coming up in 2023, and I can't wait to share it with you! Get ready!

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

Thank you for your time and attention,



Meal Planning with ADHD
