Turning ADHD Daily Life into a Game Worth Playing
You (yes, you), are a gamer. You might not think it, but somewhere deep inside you is a playful puzzler playing tag on the playground, making up rules for neighborhood romps, and kicking cans down the street. This week, we’re kicking off a series of conversations on games, and why rekindling that spirit of playfulness in yourself might just be key to unlocking a new perspective on your relationship with ADHD
Placeholder 10: Unboxing Potential: Nikki’s Sketchy Awakening to the Apple Pencil
It’s been sitting on her shelf for two years, but today, we tear the shrink-wrap. Nikki Kinzer unboxes her dusty Apple Pencil 2 and puts it to work on her iPad for the very first time.
The 2023 ADHD Podcast Job Survey Review
The results are in! When we kicked off our job series we asked you about your jobs, your red flags, the work you do, and the way you want to do it. Today, we're going to review those results and see what we can learn from one another about the way work works for each of us.
When ADHD Meets the Artificial Structures of Work with Dr. Kourosh Dini
This week on the show, we're exploring the artifice of bureaucracy and administrative structures of traditional work, and how it can be difficult to navigate with an ADHD brain, and we have the perfect guest to help us do it: board-certified psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, author, and musician, Dr. Kourosh Dini.
Shaping the ADHD Career with Shell Mendelson
We've spent the last two weeks talking about red flags and deal breakers at work for the ADHD brain, largely fueled by comments from you—listeners and community members. This week, we're joined by Shell Mendelson, a career coach who helps us to shape a career with ADHD.
ADHD Deal Breakers at Work!
This week, we’re continuing our job series and talking about deal breakers — those things that you see or experience in your job or on the job hunt that you simply can’t or won’t tolerate. We asked our listeners to weigh in on the topic again this week, and it turns out they had a lot to say.
Of Mice and Machines • Exploring AiDHD
Oh, hi! It's Pete. From the Podcast. This month I'm talking about the AI wave and how you might just be able to use this new batch of tools to reduce friction, save time, and not fret so much about the end of the world. Should be fun!
Red Flags in the Workplace
Work is hard. Working with ADHD adds a layer of complication around self-direction and awareness which others might not understand. This week, Nikki and Pete are talking about the red flags at work that can help you get a better sense of your own performance and clearly define your needs to your team.
Breaking out of the 'What Do You Do?' Box
What do you do? You're probably tempted to try and describe your job title. But what does that mean to anyone outside your business, and how well does that title describe who you are? This week, Nikki and Pete kick off the ADHD Jobs Series with an exploration of work, and how our work defines us.
Learning to Love Your ADHD Story with James Ochoa
Our friend James Ochoa is back! This week we're talking about the lessons you can learn from inflection points in your ADHD journey. What did you learn? What did you gain? What can come from it? Listen in as James helps Pete practice on one of his ancient ADHD stories!
Embracing the "Yes, And..." Mentality: Overcoming Adversity with Improv Techniques with The Mandcave's Mandy Kaplan and Mandy Fabian
This week we're talking all about the tools you can employ to change the direction of your mood, perspective, and day. Performers, writers, directors, and podcasters Mandy Kaplan and Mandy Fabian bring us a lesson in the tools of comedy and improvisation to help shake up our ADHD woes with a bit of laughter along the way.
A Self-Compassion Reflection with Nikki & Pete
We've had a terrific run looking deeply at self-compassion and ADHD over the last month. This week, we're taking a look back and reflecting on lessons learned, changes made, and opportunities ahead.
Stop, Drop, and Rolling With the Punches: Self-Compassion when the World Knocks You Sideways
You have a plan. You have a vision of yourself and your performance. But what happens when plans change, or the world doesn't share your perspective on your own experience? When RSD sets in, your ability to manifest compassion for yourself is most important. This week: tools to cope, regroup, and recover.
The ADHD Self-Compassion Challenge for High Achievers with Casey Dixon
Casey Dixon is a respected Life Coach with a unique focus on science-based, innovative, collaborative coaching and advising for high achievers with ADHD or executive function challenges. She joins us today to share her experience working with those high achievers as a coach through their self-compassion challenges.
Self-Compassion, ADHD, and all the [Difficult] Emotions
We've been talking about ADHD and self-compassion over the last several weeks. But how do these experiences tie into other difficult emotions like anger, fear, worry, anxiety, and grief? Nikki and Pete continue the series on the show this week.
Wrangling the ADHD Perfectionist with Dr. Sharon Saline
We're continuing our series on self-compassion by digging into one of the critical behaviors that trigger shame: perfectionism. If you're hard on yourself thanks to unrealistic performance expectations and live with ADHD, Dr. Sharon Saline is back to help.
We Sit In Judgement of Ourselves From the Future
An exploration of the practice of journaling for those who need to find their way in.
Shame's Greatest Hits: Self-Compassion and ADHD
We're continuing our conversation on self-compassion and ADHD with a walk through the garden of shame. You know that garden, the one with the plants we nourish and carry with us, the blooms we sniff regularly, all laced with the poison of regret and self-doubt. This week, we're tearing up that soil.
Why Self-Compassion is Necessary When Living with ADHD
We're talking about self-compassion this week, and why learning to create compassion and point it inward might just be the most important thing you can do for yourself and your ADHD.
Aron Croft Brings ME into Building your Business with ADHD
The last time Aron Croft was here, he shared his story of his education and personal background meeting ADHD reality. He's back with us this week to share how that ADHD reality meets the business world and how you might find success by pivoting a business school classic model for your own needs.